~ Recommended activities ~


In case you didn’t know yet, Tenerife is one of the favorite destinations for cycling lovers; its average temperature of 22ºC throughout the year together with its high altitude, around 3000 meters, make the island a key place for the preparation of many professional teams. Athletes by name like Alberto Contador, Chris Froome or Nairo Quintana, among others, are regularly seen pedaling on the roads of Tenerife … and if they choose us, it will be for something! And it is that our wonderful island offers us a spectacular climate and landscapes.

If your bicycle always goes with you on vacation, from our Rural House you can easily access one of the most famous routes among cyclists, the one that runs along the TF-38 road that goes from Chio to the Teide National Park; To which you can join going down, first, to the town of Guía de Isora and head towards Chio to start climbing towards Teide. Or on the contrary, start the route going up Chirche and connect with the Tf-38. Then you could go back to 3 different places; return by the same route, keep going up to “El Portillo” and go down through Orotava, coming back from the north side or head towards Vilaflor to Los Cristianos, pedaling back up the south side to Guía de Isora.

Finally, I would like to mention the responsible conduct of vehicles in general, which are aware of the vulnerability of the cyclist, always respecting the safety distance.

No matter what your level or condition, choosing Tenerife as a destination to shoot will always be synonymous with success.


Passionate about hiking and nature? Surely you have already heard about the beautiful trails that Tenerife offers throughout its entire territory … from the Anaga mountains to the Los Gigantes cliffs, passing through the National Park and the forest crown. Without any doubt, you will be delighted with each one of them, for its diversity of flora and landscapes, where photography becomes an indisputable ally on your walks.

In Guía de Isora we enjoy beautiful trails throughout the region, but this time I am going to talk about one that stops in Aripe, where our Rural House is located, which allows you to join it easily.

PR-TF 70 Guía de Isora – Tágara – Boca Tauce

The tour begins at the church in the town of Guía de Isora, ascending along Los Chorros street until it reaches the path, which continues ascending until it reaches the access with our Aripe neighborhood (2 km approx.). Continuing with the ascent by the PR-TF 70 we will pass through the Chirche nucleus until we reach the Lomo de las Vistas, which on sunny days gives us a landscape that is worth photographing for the memory. From here we enter the pine forest of Tágara, giving way to a panorama with a different vegetation. Further on, passing through the Tágara Forest House, it connects with the PR-TF 70.1 trail and you will find a viewpoint where you can observe one of the Niagara Canyon falls.

Continuing with the journey, you will find the link to the PRTF 70.2 trail, which from the Llano del Negro allows you to reach the Caserío de Las Fuentes. From here the path runs alongside the Narices del Teide stream, contemplating an impressive image of El Teide and Pico Viejo, until it ends in Boca Tauce.

We must emphasize that it is a difficult medium-high trail with a duration of 9 hours and 16.4 km of crossing, which forces us to be in good physical condition.

If you want to know more trails within Guía de Isora, you can visit the page www.redsenderosguia.es, where they detail all the routes that run in the municipality and allow you to download the routes in .pdf format on your mobile device.

«Written by Raúl Mesa • La Vistita Rural House • March 26, 2021»